yes!!!! i got a 2390! But don't worry those of you out there, it's not that hard to score well
Forgive me if I seem to be bragging, but i just checked by SAT scores this morning and i can't contain myself... i need a place to express the jubilation i am feeling right now.
One last time.
I GOT A 2390!
Now, on to things that you guys who are taking the SAT out there actually want to hear about.
Is the new essay hard?
-This depends on how well you write essays, especially under time constraint. The time constraint can be very hard sometimes (25 min is really short for a two page essay...), but if you know how to prepare for it, it's not impossible at all. One very good suggestion that I learned from my SAT prep course is that you should prepare as many generic examples as you can think of before hand that prove certain broad arguments, since the essay is always on some cliched topic, and you will very likely be able to use at least one of these prepared example choices. Of course, you might have to think of them on the spot, but even having one example already thought up can save you a few very precious minutes.
-The only other thing I have to touch on in terms of the essay is the vocabulary. Don't feel pressured to use asmany big words as you can, because often times that just results in a incoherent essay. Just keep vocab in the back of your mind, so that when you're writing, if you come across a place where you could use an impressive vocab word, stick it in. I myself got a 11/12 on the essay, and i hardly used any "SAT Vocabulary".
What about the grammar section?
-My only suggestion for those of you who have trouble with grammar is to grap an SAT prep book, and learn all the grammar rules in it. Don't worry, there are only about 15 or so that the College Board actually test you on. Once you do know the rules, it's just a matter of going through the choices and finding out which rule, if any, the question breaks. And yes, the 1/5 of the error ID is E is valid; I did find about 1/5 of them to be correct as written.
-I did a lot better than I expected on this section (800!
), however, in my opinion (beside the essay) it is the hardest part of the test. In terms of the vocabulary questions, those aren't too difficult, but do go out of your way to memorize a few words before the test. The reading passags are a lot harder... I hate the questions which ask you what an author is inferring, or what the tone of a passage is. However, if you have trouble, the one rule in the reading is: go back and find the answer that is proven by the text. Unless an answer is explicitly proven in the text, its the wrong answer. This helped me a lot, and hey, i got out of the reading section fine
and Math.
-well, I'm afraid I can't really help you here, math has always been my (really) strong suit so I was expecting near a perfect score on this section anyway. However, I do believe that the topics are not hard at all, just algebra and some geometry, and some "trigonometry" too. Don't worry about the trig, there are no questions on the test which actually ask you anything about trig, but do know your special right triangles (30,60,90 degrees, and 45,45,90 degrees).
Last note of advice:
-Get LOTS of sleep the night before 
-Eat a big breakfast! Trust me, you get really hungry after taking a test for 4 hours until like 1:00. Don't eat so much that you upset your stomach though, and try not to drink a lot of coffee (makes you pee too much).
-Get there EARLY! Get to your test center at 7:45, not 8:00. You won't do well if you rush in at the last second before the test starts and havn't had time to collect yourself.
-Don't forget: at least 3 pencils, calculator, your PRINTED test admission ticket, and photoID.
-And finally, don't worry, if the test seems really hard for you, that it will seem really hard to other people too, which means that there will be a higher scale on that section.
Happy testing!